"I've discovered a way to have a lot more time. In the past, I used to look at my time as if it were divided into several parts. One part I reserved for Joey, another part was for Sue, another part to help with Ana, another part for household work. The time left over I considered my own. I could read, write, do research, go for walks."
"But now I try not to divide time into parts anymore. I consider my time with Joey and Sue as my own time."
Nhat Hanh, T. (1996). The Miracle of Mindfulness: A Manual on Meditation. Boston: Beacon Press |
Jennifer and Dennis had a beautiful baby boy on December 13, 2006 named Caleb Robert Beck. We saw him recently and he is a beautiful mellow child.
Amelia is smiling, laughing, sitting up, cooing/talking, saying mama and dad. She should be walking soon. Likes to talk a lot and loves people. Has 4 teeth and 2 on the way. Eating solid foods.
Grampy has passed on and is with Grammy. |